Education Program

The different initiatives are focused on providing access to complete training, with quality and equity, aimed at vulnerable children, youth, and women.

Slide 50,710 people 29,739 women men 20,971

Regions in which were we present

Learn about Yeni’s story


Embroidering my dreams

My name is Yeni. I am 22 years old and I live with my family in the Xecarajoc Canton of Quetzaltenango. My desire is to continue to specialize in my art and provide employment to other people.

After finishing the 9th grade in 2014 I wanted to continue studying, but due to the economic situation of my family it was not possible.

However, in 2015 I was able to start training in ‘Machine Embroidery’ at the FUNDAP Technical Center, acquiring the necessary skills to start a typical clothing sales business. My own clients encouraged me to design and embroider huipiles, so I continued my training in ‘Artisan Cutting and Dressmaking,’ perfecting the quality and finish of the garments.

This preparation has helped me to strengthen my knowledge, abilities, and skills in the business area, which I also complemented in 2019 by training in ‘Continue to learn.’ All this has improved the administrative and operational processes of my business, although I still want to continue my training in order for my company to grow and to be able to hire other people.


Yeni Araceli Jorge Say

Program initiatives

6,892 children benefited in 28 schools with technology, to learn via the Internet

1,199 rural school children received basic sanitary materials to improve their hygiene

305 teachers received diplomas to implement techniques that reduce truancy

3,262 students received a scholarship, completing 99% of the annual cycle

225 parents received training, necessary to support their daughters

11 mother tutors mentored young girls, focusing on their personal and student life

1,789 students improved their education by training institute monitors and directors

511 young people completed the basic cycle and 14 complete high school, presenting a business project

24 local associations strengthened

496 adults and young people finished their educational level: accelerated, basic or diversified

160 people trained in formal education and technical courses to continue studying and working

146 technology projects submitted (FUNDAP FABLAB)

947 women completed their ‘Financial and Business Literacy training’

339 entrepreneurs completed training and generate changes in their companies

251 new permanent and 101 new part-time jobs

1,446 people trained in the Cedes methodology, on: Clothing, Food, and Services

2,187 young people trained through our courses in the 4 Technical Centers

85 vulnerable people, after training, received equipment to start an economic activity