Gleysi can do everything. He started at FUNDAP studying Pastry, Design and Pattern Making, but during the pandemic she had to leave because her mother saw it as important to learn domestic trades. However, his life changed in 2022 with the Expression workshop. From here she became an Alumni and, after an internship, she currently works as an Administrative Assistant and data entry specialist at Centro Técnico Expresion.
My name is Gleysi Pérez, I am 21 years old and I live in Cantón Xecaracoj, one of the communities in the Palajunoj Valley of Quetzaltenango.
I come from a family with values and principles that have helped us grow as a person; My father emigrated to another country a few years ago and my mother is the person who has always accompanied and supported me in everything. I have two older brothers, who have been my motivation to keep going.
In 2013 I became aware of the existence of Labor el refugio, when I was in primary school. Since it was very close to home, I liked to go to the library located within labor el refugio to do my homework. Shortly after, when I was in third grade, FUNDAP collaborators came to the institute where I was studying to present us with the opportunity to study a technical course; This opportunity was very exciting for me, so that day I went home and told my mother that I wanted to take advantage of this scholarship, since it would help me learn and develop new skills and abilities. In this way, my parents gave me all their support during my training process in the Pastry course.
Months later, when I was studying Pastry, the Design and Pattern Making course also caught my attention, so I decided to enroll on my own. At that time I had completed 2 technical degrees and I felt very happy, because I was able to discover all the talents that I had no idea I possessed.
In 2020, due to the pandemic and the difficulties it presented, I was only able to complete the professional pastry course. At that time I no longer continued with my studies at a diversified level, since it seemed more important to my mother that I learn domestic skills such as cooking and doing housework, due to the customs that still predominate in the community.
Some time later, in 2022, a job opportunity came through the Escuela Taller Expresion, and I decided to take it since since I was no longer studying or working, I was available; It was a pleasant experience, because during 2 months in which I supported with labor, I learned to make different clothing items and interact with clients.
During my stay at the Escuela Taller, I had the opportunity to do an internship as an Alumni there. To apply for that position I sent my CV to the human resources unit of FUNDAP, however, as I did not have some documents, the time period for sending them had ended and the position days later had already been granted to another colleague. At that moment I felt very sad, but I continued working sporadically making clothing.
After a few weeks I received an email from Human Resources indicating that the ALUMNI selection process was still in effect, so the staff followed up on my process and I had some interviews. It was then that on April 15, 2022 I received a call again from human resources; That day the collaborator, with great enthusiasm, told me that she should report to the Academic Control offices of the Technical Center and begin to live the experience of having a formal job. At that time I was only 19 years old, but despite my age I knew it would be an opportunity to learn.
During the year in which I worked as an Alumni, I improved a lot in the communicative field because speaking with other people or in public was very difficult for me, however, by carrying out various activities as an Academic Control assistant I began to acquire greater confidence when it came to to communicate with other people, in addition to having responsibility when handling confidential paperwork.
After that year the term as Alumni ended and at that moment I felt very sad because I would no longer be at FUNDAP, which had become my second home for me. But, without knowing what life would have in store for me after 1 month, I received a call again from Human Resources, in which they told me that due to my performance as an Alumni, I had the opportunity to apply for the position of Administrative Assistant and Digitizer at Technical Center; Excited, I told my parents, who helped me make the decision to go through the selection process. Days later they contacted me again to give me the news that I had been selected and that is how, to this day, I find myself carrying out this work with enthusiasm and learning every day to make better decisions. I am very grateful to FUNDAP for trusting in my potential and urging me to be an example of improvement for the young people in my community.