Specialists in corn and bean production, Walter’s family grew crops for home consumption. However, thanks to training as a Volunteer Agricultural Promoter, he managed to improve his production. Cauliflower, cabbage, zucchini , potatoes and broccoli, better and more experienced crops that have generated significant economic income for the family.
My name is Walter Feliciano, I live in a village in Comitancillo, San Marcos. I am 21 years old, I am a student and I like agriculture. Together with my family, we previously produced corn, beans and additionally in a space of approximately 650 square meters, produced cauliflower and zucchini, all for family consumption.
Thanks to FUNDAP I received training as a Volunteer Agricultural Promoter; Through training in agricultural, livestock and business topics, I obtained new ideas and made the decision to expand my space for production. During the development of the diploma, I acquired a new space borrowed from my parents, because I do not have my own land, thereby achieving more profitable production.
I currently have 200 laying birds in a 75 square meter shed and 1,300 square meters of land for staggered planting of vegetables, within which I produce: cauliflower, cabbage, zucchini, potatoes and broccoli, among others. Most of the crops and egg production are for sale in my community and at the local market; Thanks to the increase in my production, I have been generating significant economic income for my family.