There is always room to learn

Berta Elisa Hernández Batz

There is always room to learn

Berta Elisa Hernández Batz is 40 years old, a mother of three children, and resides in los Pocitos Village, Sibilia (Quetzaltenango). This community belongs to the ATEDI Association and is dedicated to pedal woven fabric, so in 2018 and thanks to the support of FUNDAP, they were able to strengthen the knowledge and skills in the production of Cobán, a very thin and light fabric.

I thank FUNDAP for supporting the Association
and those of us who are engaged in weaving.

Although she already worked with this material, she needed to improve her skills in the process of thread intone, warping, figure weaving, and squeaking. Her story is that of a woman willing to keep learning in order to improve her work, earn more income, and meet the demand required by the current market. In addition, Berta Elisa is very happy contributing to the better education of her children: “I thank FUNDAP for supporting the Association and those of us who are engaged in weaving.”



Berta Elisa Hernández Batz is 40 years old, a mother of three children, and resides in los Pocitos Village, Sibilia (Quetzaltenango). This community belongs to the ATEDI Association and is dedicated to pedal woven fabric