José Eugenio López is the director of the Official Urban School for Girls “Justo Rufino Barrios,” an educational center located in the municipality of Concepción Chiquirichapa, department of Quetzaltenango, performing his work since 2020.

We share his story because you will wonder what makes it so special. Well, without a doubt, his vision and his participation in Educational Quality projects and in Scholarships for Girls.

In addition, his educational establishment has a student enrollment of 232 girls, spacious, safe, and clean facilities, with improved sanitary infrastructure, guaranteeing access to drinking water as a right for the student population. In addition, José Eugenio makes sure that the girls carry out adequate hygiene practices, contributing to the educational process being carried out in a dignified manner.

As we indicated, in his management as Director of the educational establishment, he has received the support of the Educational Quality and Scholarships for Girls projects, which are articulated so that the students remain in the school system and complete their primary education. In his particular vision, José Eugenio wants his school to be an example and inspiration for the rest of the establishments, fellow directors, and teachers, and that from their jobs they are managers of a better educational quality in their schools and promote the importance of education in groups of children. From FUNDAP we are convinced that it is the correct path to follow.
