The FabLab workshop at FUNDAP, like many others worldwide, is a digital manufacturing workshop in which people can innovate, create new things from some basic ones that may already exist. In this workshop context, my role is to support people and all beneficiaries so that they can materialize their ideas.
FabLab El Refugio, is a space in which we have computerized equipment; We can make specific and millimeter cuts, having the ability to help our beneficiaries, who are students or small businessmen. I love the idea of being able to interact with people and being able to be in the different phases: the design phase and the update phase, as well as seeing the execution of everything and seeing how people smile and are excited to see something they envisioned.
It fills me with great emotion to know that the beneficiaries of my knowledge are people
that seek to innovate and improve their products. I like it because it’s like a light for people who are looking for an opportunity in their life to be better. It also makes me happy to see that my family gets excited when I do something new and they tell me: “It’s good that you’re there.”
For all this, I want to express my most sincere gratitude to the Executive Directorate, Management, and all the institutions that have made this FabLab space a reality in this region. At the same time, I would like to thank all the colleagues in the Crafts program for their patience, for setting the example, and thanks to them we have been able to improve the processes and the final product. Finally, with special attention to all the beneficiaries, both students and individuals and businessmen, who are the ones who are truly happy with the finalized products , and the results of the objectives.