Sebastiana Morales is a single mother and has a 6-year-old daughter, whose story has captivated our hearts. Since 2002, she has belonged to the Association of Women of Life and Hope ADEMVE, where she has had the opportunity to learn. Thanks to FUNDAP, in 2022 she received occupational technical assistance on twill and flat-type weaving, on a foot loom, expanding her knowledge much more and learning to innovate in production processes and designs, in order to generate more work and sales opportunities. After her training, she herself confirms that she has improved her skills in making fabrics on the foot loom with serape, shingles, rhombus, and flatweave designs.
Thus, thanks to her knowledge, during the year she had more work and generated more income to cover her family expenses, at the same time, she supported and encouraged her nephews to learn this art.
For this reason, Sebastiana thanks “FUNDAP which, through the Decent Employment Project financed by the European Union, has provided us with free training on different topics of innovation, creativity, employment, and decent self-employment, as well as new techniques in fabrics to add value to them, as well as the development of new products.” And from the Foundation we urge you to continue with your work, you have become an example for the artisan guild.