With the objective of protecting and conserving forests, the ACODIPBOL association, from the village of San Francisco Chuatuj, in San Carlos Sija, Quetzaltenango.
Enrolled in INAB’s ‘Probosque’ forestry incentive program. Thanks to the support and advice received, this association was able to receive economic income for the responsible and adequate management and use of the forests.
And what do they use these incentives for? Well, they have given them different uses, such as the maintenance of the forest nursery, the support of the association, and additionally, to create a ‘social aid’ fund, which is intended to support local development actions managed by the community’s auxiliary mayor’s office. Other destinations for the funds are the COCODES, the water committee, the forestry office, organized youth groups, and even contribute to the improvement of the village library.
Currently, with the training and technical assistance provided by FUNDAP, they have promoted activities with educational establishments in the community, such as: planting trees in areas without forest cover, establishing school gardens with environmentally friendly management, and awareness talks. The objective? Allow the school-age population to reflect on the importance of caring for and protecting natural resources. A great work that deserves respect and the corresponding support.