2021 Annual Report
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, C.A.
Words from our President and Executive Director
Roberto Gutiérrez,
President of FUNDAP
On August 15, 2022, FUNDAP -The Foundation for the Integral Development of Socioeconomic Programs- celebrates its 40th anniversary.

It was within the Board of Directors of the Association of Managers of Guatemala that, under the presidency and leadership of Dr. Rodolfo Paiz Andrade, it was proposed to create an entity that would be dedicated to the study of the social and economic indicators of the country, such as instrument to activate national efforts and to improve them. Thus, Rodolfo Paiz as President, and Jaime Camhi as Secretary of the Board of Directors, signed the legal instruments that would give birth to the new Foundation.
However, at the end of the period of that Board of Directors, it coincided with the emergence of other entities with the same purpose, so the new Board of Directors of the Managers’ Association decided not to continue with the project, leaving only legal status in force.
At the beginning of 1983, Fito, as we affectionately knew Rodolfo Paiz, traveled to Costa Rica for a graduation of INCAE students -we remember that Fito was Academic Director of that entity-. While in San José, he met Mr. Federico Dürr, representative of the German Hans
Seidel Foundation, who told him that they were interested in starting operations in Guatemala, but as a requirement there had to be a counterpart. Fito answered him immediately and, upon his return to the Guatemalan capital, he contacted the Association of Managers, which granted him the use of legal status. It was then that Fito invited a small group of businessmen to be part of the new project, and on a trip that he made to Quetzaltenango, to whom this letter subscribes. In that first meeting of that small group, and in the planning of objectives, I suggested that any project executed by the noble Foundation be in the West of the country. I explained the reason and it was accepted as a commitment that has been fully complied with. The reasons given were that the West of Guatemala is a region with a very broken topography, forestry vocation and densely populated at a rural level, with families subsisting on precarious agriculture and trade; with very little -sometimes zero- infrastructure (roads, schools, health posts, etc.), which condemned young people to a life of emigration or poverty. The proposal was enthusiastically accepted, and from that moment the Foundation began to work.
As it was a time when a certain democratic opening could be glimpsed (1982-1983), the first project carried out was called ‘Intersectoral Dialogues’, in which representatives of the sectors were invited to a “dialogue on the future of the country”. important: university professionals, businessmen, military, students, community leaders, guerrillas (at the time) and religious people. With them, and assisted by professionals in the field, a series of workshops were held that demonstrated – as sought – that dialogue was possible.
This exercise was undoubtedly a motivator for subsequent efforts, which were leading to the search for peace and harmony in Guatemalan society.
The next project that was carried out with the support of the Hans Seidel Foundation was to bring administrative training to small-scale producers, a project that for two years trained several hundred entrepreneurs (carpenters, tailors, masons, merchants, etc.) in their communities.; a team of teachers traveled during the weekends to give classes. It was a discovery of the world of what we know today as “micro-enterprises”, a matter in which FUNDAP has been involved with great interest and professionalism.
The year 1985 was an important turning point in FUNDAP, when it was invited to form the “management committee” of a USAID fund to promote development projects; all this obeying the policy derived from the ‘Washington Consensus’. Thus, with the financial fund mentioned above, FUNDAP implemented the ‘Momostenango Project’, which consisted of supporting wool artisans (including sheep farmers from the Sierra Madre and Los Cuchumatanes), forming a Cooperative that served with technical assistance, financial and administrative, as well as marketing. Based on this experience, a “development model” was formulated and implemented in Nahualá, Sololá, supporting wood artisans; in ceramics in Totonicapán; and natural fibers in Quiche. In each case, a cooperative was formed to follow up on the experience, as well as a national and international marketing company for the products of cooperative paths. At the same time, an important project of forest services and preservation of the environment was started, with which it has been promoting reforestation, agroforestry and forest management ever since.
An important contribution to local economies has been the Microcredit Program, which began in 1992 with a small fund (obtained from a loan from private banks), and which has made it possible to provide financial services to small business owners and small-scale producers. These beneficiaries, managing it properly -according to FUNDAP’s guide-, manage to grow their enterprises. This program continues to be an important element of support for beneficiaries, together with training.
After a few years, the Foundation acquired a small farm near the City of Quetzaltenango (formal headquarters of the entity), in which a Technical Center has been built, which serves a series of workshops. This has hospitality facilities, and trains young people and adults of both sexes in various productive and service activities, ranging from a nursing school, mechanics, electricity, bakery, gastronomy, beauty, dressmaking, among others. others. There is a varied educational offer and there are currently four branches in different municipalities: San Marcos, Mazatenango, Quiché and Retalhuleu.
What emerged 40 years ago as an incipient idea, has become an institution that transforms lives through support in training, learning, assistance and accompaniment, which FUNDAP provides with the help of a highly trained human team focused on values under the guide-standard of its motto: ‘Development with dignity’.
Jorge Gándara,
Director of FUNDAP
40 years of hope and opportunities.

In the month of August of this year, the 40th anniversary of the Foundation will be celebrated, which was made with the interest of Don Rodolfo Paiz Andrade and Don Jaime Camhi Capón, who wanted to create an institution dedicated to helping those most in need, originally with an approach to education in Guatemala.
People served
Presence of FUNDAP
The rest of Guatemala

The results of our programs in 2021
The testimonies of our collaborators

Agricultural Program
“As an agricultural technician, we support the implementation and strengthening of the agricultural production of the beneficiaries through the training of promoters, training, technical assistance visits to the productive units, implementation of plots model and facilitation of productive technologies, among others.”
Víctor Roblero – 8 years working at FUNDAP

Hope Project
The Hope Project was born to provide an immediate response to the needs of highly vulnerable families, whether in basic food, housing or medical assistance.
FUNDAP collaborators, due to their professional and personal role, identify highly vulnerable families that suffer serious limitations, derived from temporary circumstances, illnesses, accidents or the loss of family members who used to support the home. Subsequently, workers from the Foundation and through the project, during 2021 managed to serve 120 families.

Featured actions in 2021

Crowdfunding campaign
In 2021, 99% of the scholarship girls successfully passed the grade and 90% continue studying after graduating. Thanks to the more than $50,000 received in our fundraising, the goal is to reach 350 young girls with scholarships for 3 years, reaching more than 600 communities with this ‘Scholarships for Girls’ program.
This last year the needs of the girls changed, as COVID-19 put obstacles in the way of education, closing schools and making classes difficult. Without these scholarships, most girls would have to work to support their families. That is why it is vital to continue supporting this cause, because thanks to your support, you will not only help keep them in school, but you will also be part of their legacy.
Empower a Girl in Guatemala: Education post COVID-19

Education Program
We strive to create conditions that favor access, inclusion, equity and quality in formal and labor education, being a means for human development.
Program Actions
Small business owners served between IMPULSA and MBA
Beneficiaries of Communal Banks served
Microcredit branches served by IMPULSA
Institutes by Cooperative
institutes receive comprehensive support
students served in basic and high school
improvement projects successfully implanted
Promotion of Educational Quality
mothers trained as 'Trainers'
centers equipped with sanitation supplies
trained teachers in Pedagogy and Education Management
people finished their basic training (CEDES)
people finish their courses in technical centers
young people trained in the methodology 'Seguir para Emprender'
young people and adults complete their formal training
people trained in computer and English
is the index of employability of young people trained
for Girls
girls and young women receive their educational scholarship
schools catered
of parents receive training to support their daughters
Healthcare Program
We treat the main conditions of the maternal and child sector in our medical clinics, in addition to preventing diseases through the qualification of health agents.
Program Actions
Technical of
Health School
employed in the health sector
accredited young people with success in their class
graduates promote biosecurity measures against COVID-19
of children improve their nutritional status
pregnant improve their eating habits
children from 6 months to 5 years served and provided with nutritional supplement
activities done by promoters
new promoters trained in basic attention
Qualified volunteers in their second year of training
of those served are children and women
pap smears made, to prevent cancer
Microcredit Program
It promotes the economic development of the urban and rural areas of the southwest, through actions such as granting credits, training and advice to small business owners.
Program Actions
beneficiaries strengthen their working and living capital
new small business owners receive financing
Small business owners receive credit for increase their capital
women accessed new financing in construction or land
people supported in order to buy or improve housing
new financed to build or improve housing
beneficiaries served on this line
new beneficiaries receive financing
people advised technically in the field
new groups of women receive microcredit
communal banks current and active
new beneficiaries to stimulate their businesses
Handicraft Program
Specialized support is provided to artisan organizations to promote their professional activity, local economic development and preserve the culture and identity of the country.
Program Actions
Education and
organizations improve productive and business management
trained artisans in business management
trained artisans in digital marketing
of appropriate
artisans dye yarn with dye plants
artisans make diapertype fabrics
artisans implement a new weaving technique
Productive and
business technical
artisans improve their skills
management instruments implemented
new techniques implemented in production
artisans supported in marketing
work wages generated
organizations and 26 producers supported in sales
women lead properly their organizations
men lead properly their organizations
organizations have a good social base
Agricultural Program
With total respect for the environment, it supports small organized producers through training, technical assistance, social organization, marketing and transfer of appropriate technologies.
Program Actions
Education and
promoters trained to help their communities
educational agricultural tours
rural communities supported to improve their production
Transfer of
people use 3 friendly production techniques
producers assisted with technology transfer
plots and 6 sheds for controlled production
Productive and
business technical
technical visits to meet the production
rural families receive complete training
business assistance to consolidate activity
trained promoters have generated self-employment
micro businesses increase their income by 15%
women create their business plans
members of organizations served
women receive productive and technical support
women in boards of directors of social groups
real estate valuations for credit guarantee
Environmental Program
It provides services for the sustainable management of renewable natural resources, through basic environmental sanitation, management and reforestation, social organization, training and environmental awareness.
Program Actions
hectares worked in forestry management plans
wages and 131.57 jobs generated
hectares enter the ‘Proforest’ and they receive Q 913,375.00
organizations develop and improve their problems
organization participates in 6 renewable resource networks
participants in assistance organizational techniques
families have access to a wood-saving stove
nurseries maintained and strengthened with 350,000 seedlings
Awareness and
people trained in 133 events
children and youth participate in awareness
accompanied people in 407 technical assistances
people trained as promoters
organizations have promoters who serve them
young people in leadership and development diplomas
During 2021 managed to serve 120 families through:
Technical Assistance:
So that the family can have options to get ahead, based on their own abilities.
Promotion of habitability:
Focused on guaranteeing access to treated water and the adequacy of housing spaces.
Access to health:
Through support with medications, tests or specific treatments, which will contribute to the recovery of the member or members of the family.
Basic Food:
It is provided on a temporary basis for a period ranging from 6 to 12 months.
The families served during the period presented the following characteristics:
- 37 of the 120 families had been receiving care since 2020 and concluded their care process in 2021.
- 49 families began their care process in 2021 and will conclude in 2022.
- 13 families began and concluded their process in 2021.
- 21 families were identified by the medical staff of the FUNDAP clinics, because they were diagnosed with COVID-19. This prevented them from carrying out their regular productive activities and, therefore, they were unable to earn a daily living, so they were given a single food ration.
Beneficiaries by department:

There are still challenges to overcome in the Hope Project, but the desire to improve and the successes shown are the best incentive to continue.
New modules
Technical Center

New modules
to continue training
In November 2021, we celebrated the inauguration of the new facilities of ‘Esthetics and Elegance’ at the El Refugio Campus, with 4 new workshops where we teach technical courses in Aesthetics, Hairdressing, Handcrafted Clothing, Industrial Clothing, Fashion Design and Pattern Making. In addition, the Workshop School called ‘Expression’ was implemented, dedicated to making clothing, especially uniforms made by students.
Currently, 290 people are served, mainly from rural communities in the west of the country, who come to these areas to train professionally; In addition, 1,587 students were approved in all the Technical Centers.
With great enthusiasm, the idea is to continue training more young people and develop our activities under the 3 fundamental axes: Technical, business and humanistic training. All this is done to give them the values they need and achieve successful graduates, always with the quality care that has characterized us.

Mobile Clinic

Healthcare for
rural communities
Due to the health emergency, hundreds of families, especially in rural communities, were left unattended in terms of health. In response to these needs and committed to providing accessible services to low-income sectors, we implemented the Mobile Clinic. And how it works?
Strategically, the communities with the greatest need are identified, prioritizing care for mothers, girls and boys, establishing sessions in each place to which the doctors will return month after month. In 2021, 124 people were served in the communities of Suchitepéquez and Retalhuleu.
Services offered by the mobile clinic:
- General medical, gynecological, pediatric and obstetric consultation
- Nutritional and dental care
- General medicine stretchers
- Dental stretcher
- Mobile dental unit
- Dressing tables
- Electric power
- Tubing water
- Computers and printers
- Contact phone
- Benches for rest
It also has protection supplies and personnel in charge composed of: doctor, paramedic and unit pilot. A initiative that seeks to provide health care opportunities to different populations.

E-Learning Platform

The technological challenge
due to COVID-19
Due to the effects of the pandemic, the educational system was affected by the impossibility of teaching in person, being forced to seek other mechanisms. This challenge of looking for the best alternative for students, always with the quality we require, made us opt for the CANVAS LMS platform, with a package of 3,500 licenses.
The platform has represented an important experience in the virtual field due to the multiplicity of functions, turning out to be versatile and friendly to the needs of each user. It also has the ease of being able to be installed on any mobile device and facilitate distance training processes.
It is currently used mainly in the academic and corporate part of E-learning, represented by educational institutions and organizations respectively.
Thus, we managed to teach more than 500 courses, with 1,467 registered users among teachers, students and administrators, demonstrating that it is possible to break down the technological barrier. Of course, there is still a long way to go and external investment will be very necessary to guarantee online access to rural communities in Guatemala.

Mazatenango Building

We are growing
to serve you better
Always committed to providing quality services, and innovating our environments for better care and comfort of users and collaborators, in 2021 we will inaugurate the new FUNDAP building in Mazatenango, Suchitepéquez.
Due to the increased demand for health services and the insufficient capacity of the previous facilities, both for patient care and for developing other activities with beneficiaries, these new facilities were built with the following modules:
- Two medical clinics, with general medicine consultation services.
- MEDSA Pharmacy, with medicines at affordable prices.
- Office for collaborators of AFAA, Educational Quality and Health Volunteers.
- Training workshop on motorcycle repair, Business Technical Training.
- Two Microcredit, Education and Health warehouses.
- Four bathrooms and a special clinic to care for COVID-19 patients.
- Two open and roofed spaces with basic furniture for training events and attention to users of Communal Banks.