Tomato production in my community
“I am an elderly person, widowed and with 5 married children. I want a good education for my grandchildren and for the people of my community. I have devoted my life to agriculture, particularly to maize, sowing and chicken farming, something my parents taught me.
Thanks to the support of Community Development Council (COCODE), a series of greenhouses in macro-tunnels were built for the organized farmers in my community. Then I asked for the support and technical assistance of the Agricultural Program of FUNDAP.
“It has been one
of my best experiences“
Currently, I have a tomato production, which has been one of my best experiences after all the years I have been working in agriculture. One of my daughters-in-law, my daughter and my 3 grandchildren help me to keep my crops healthy. I managed to sell a tomato production in my community, where I have a small store to sell my products.
I am totally convinced that growing tomatoes is profitable, since I am making a profit and now I am paying the loan FUNDAP gave me for the greenhouse construction. Using part of that money, I bought 20 broiler chickens, which I will sell during summer season and have some money until the new tomato production season arrives”.