Learning helped me be able to lead
The ambition of Reyna Reyes Castro knows no limits and it is all because of her passion for crafts. She is 33 years old, married and has 5 children, with whom she lives with her husband in Canton Aguilix II in the municipality of Santa Cruz del Quiché. In 2005, she joined the Integral Production Cooperative Palma Quiché, participating very actively in the activities that are organized. Among all the tasks where the she is most active is in the training process, because she has acquired the knowledge necessary to assimilate the proper functioning of the organization.
“In the future she hopes to be able to influence
the development of the organization“
Such was her learning that Reyna managed to be the leader of the Cooperative, but now she is also a member of the Board of Directors and is a member of the Credits Committee. These positions have served to lead in a harmonious way for the group of artisans of Aguilix and Cibacá, although in the future she hopes to be able to influence the development of the organization. To the joy of FUNDAP, Reyna’s deep gratitude is also due to the support she obtained through the Cooperative to improve her products, something that will always be related to our Foundation.