I work in the Crafts program of FUNDAP, with 7 years and 7 months of service, carrying out the following activities:
Provide advice and support to development associations that are in the southwestern region of Guatemala, on business and organizational issues. There we promote its growth and development through the improvement of administrative management, the strengthening of production processes, the promotion of sales, the preparation and analysis of financial information, and the strengthening of the social base of the organization to guarantee the sustainability and sustainability over time.
We also develop training with the associates of the organizations on various business issues, so that they can acquire knowledge and skills on the administration of their material, financial, and human resources, in order to achieve a higher level of development in the organization and that this process contributes to the personal growth of associates.
In addition, that they can change the paternalistic vision for a business vision, to promote development together.
Regarding my professional field, working at FUNDAP means:
An opportunity to serve others, but also to learn and unlearn various aspects of life, because here I have developed a different vision of our country. When doing field work or having contact with various rural communities, I visualize the reality of the deficiencies and inequalities that exist, and this makes me more aware and grateful.
It is also an opportunity to learn every day, of constant research and preparation on topics of professional interest. In addition, it is a space where I put into practice the knowledge acquired in accordance with my academic preparation.
Regarding the most valuable learning I have had in my job:
Respect for others; each person has their way of being, their successes and failures or beliefs, but they must be understood and respected; that together development can be built, since each one has their own experience and knowledge. For this I have had to develop the virtue of patience and improve communication with the members of the organizations, and I have learned that it is better to persuade than to impose.
Constant preparation and research: as everything in life is constantly changing, this forces us to stay updated on various issues in order to provide advice responsibly, since the good or bad that is suggested to organizations has positive or negative repercussions. For this you also have to have humility to ask, because consciously one does not know everything.
Adaptation to groups: Even though we live in the same country, each community has its own idiosyncrasies, and for this reason it is necessary to learn, understand, and know how to live with these different situations, ways of living and acting. All this, of course, making the observations and suggestions for improvement, since the idiosyncrasies of the towns is not always positive, such as unpunctuality, conformism, etc.
And how do I feel working at the Foundation?
Very happy, because I contribute to the development of people, organizations and communities that are in difficult situations, due to lack of economic resources and knowledge. I am useful to others and that gives me personal happiness, apart from the appreciation and affection of the members of the organizations.”
To the newly hired staff I say:
- Be kind and respectful with others.
- Take advantage of the job opportunity to put into practice what you have learned in the classroom.
- Sacrifice yourself to give your best.
- Keep preparing constantly.
- Do the work with a lot of love and passion, as this will fill you with satisfaction.