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Can you imagine what your life would be like without elementary school?

School is the pillar on which the future of girls and society is based, but it is also basic for them to socialize, learn, generate friendships and forge their personality with good values. No one can imagine their life without going to school, that is why it is vital to guarantee their elementary education.

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Why do girls in Guatemala drop out of school?

In the poorest communities of the country, families do not have money to support their expenses. But Covid-19 exacerbated the situation, closing schools and making classes more difficult. Without these scholarships, most girls would have to work to help support their families.

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What can you do to help these girls have a better future?

When someone considers making a donation, the first thing they think about is whether it will do any good, whether the money will arrive. Thanks to your support, as you will see in our project updates, you will not only help keep them in school, but you will also be part of their legacy.

girls were scholarship recipients in 2023.
of scholarship girls successfully pass the grade.
rural communities are assisted with the project.
of the girls continue studying after graduation.


These are the reasons for dropping out of school

These are the reasons for dropping out of school

Find out, in less than 2 minutes and in the words of the girls themselves, what are the reasons for dropping out of school and why they need your help to continue studying.


Our goal is to provide scholarships to 350 girls for 3 years.

Our goal is to provide scholarships to 350 girls for 3 years.

We are closer to our goal, but we need your help to achieve it. It’s time, a small gesture that will change their lives.

raised out of $132,000

867 donations

233 scholarship girls


The methodology that allows them to continue studying.

The methodology that allows them to continue studying.

We provide a monetary stipend for each girl; we provide extracurricular training to the girls, twice a month for three years, to strengthen reading, communication and functional mathematics; we train and sensitize parents on the importance of education; and we monitor the educational centers for continuous improvement and achievement of objectives.


Identification of communities

with high rates of school failure, dropout, non-promotion and/or girls who do not attend school.


Selection of beneficiaries

to receive scholarships: home visits, socioeconomic evaluation, minimum 15 girls per community.


Sensitization of parents

as the main actors in the educational and personal development of the girls.


Extracurricular training

progressive and systematic training for girls for three years, given by mothers and alumnae guardians. Boards of Directors of parents or guardians, for local control.


Monetary stipend

delivered in a transparent and timely manner for three years, to assist families in the purchase of school supplies, shoes, uniforms, etc.


Monitoring in schools

to promote permanence and verify the educational progress of girls. The program’s staff periodically visits the schools.


Being a teacher, a lawyer, a doctor… dreams come true.

Being a teacher, a lawyer, a doctor… dreams come true.

Guadalupe García

Nancy, a former scholarship recipient with a very valuable present.

After six years in the ‘Scholarships for the Girl’ Project, with the invaluable support of her parents, Nancy turned her life around. She has now a professional Business Management degree and her testimony as a former scholarship recipient is very interesting.

Debbie López

Debbie, a bright student saved by a scholarship.

Debbie was always an outstanding child, who shone in class, but the family economy was holding her back. Thanks to the scholarship program, she was able to graduate as an Early Childhood Education Teacher and works as a CONALFA monitor.

Nancy Román

Guadalupe, 6 years of scholarship guaranteed her future.

Guadalupe was orphaned at a very young age and her grandparents could not afford to keep her in school. Thanks to the Scholarship Program, she was able to finish elementary and high school education and is now a Tutor at FUNDAP.


What is life like for these girls in Guatemala?

What is life like for these girls in Guatemala?

The social and economic situation of rural families in Guatemala, a limited educational offer and other cultural aspects prevent girls from completing elementary education, advancing to highschool or accessing university.

7 out of every 10

girls complete 3rd grade of elementary school.

5 out of every 10

girls complete 6th grade of elementary school.

3 out of every 10

girls finish high school.

1 out of every 10

girls go on to university.


Do you still have doubts? We answer them.

Do you still have doubts? We answer them.

In this section we answer the most frequently asked questions about the project: how to make donations, transparency, economic goals. We hope to answer all your questions.

It is a comprehensive action that seeks to stop the abandonment or non-continuation of education, especially for girls between 10 and 15 years of age, in the southwest of Guatemala. This permanent line of action of FUNDAP (Guatemalan Development Entity), promotes elementary education for vulnerable girls and young women who have dropped out or are at risk of doing so.

In addition, it is a project that offers vulnerable girls and young women in western Guatemala the opportunity to continue their studies and thus have the tools to develop their own development. Undoubtedly, an action that aims to “break or reduce barriers to access to education”.

All donations are made through GlobalGiving, a secure platform specialized in solidarity fundraising. Donations can be made by credit or debit card, PayPal and other mechanisms provided by the platform. The transaction process is 100% secure and a confirmation email is sent upon donation.

  • A monthly economic endowment of Q100.00 that allows them to acquire personal, school and food supplies, all to guarantee their studies. This endowment is for 10 months each year (duration of the school year).
  • Personalized counseling, so that the girl or young woman identifies her obstacles and, together with her family, can define ways to address them.
  • Extra-curricular training in the areas of language and functional mathematics.

Most of it goes to the child and her family. A smaller amount is used to pay the salary of the responsible technician (male or female) and for the direct expenses of reproducing material for the girls. Operating expenses include: salaries, fuel, motorcycle maintenance and school supplies. Administrative expenses are covered by FUNDAP.

Monthly and annual reports are drafted, with the evolution of the program in general, which are published in GlobalGiving, sent by e-mail to donors and also published on FUNDAP’s Facebook page. These reports contain information on progress and constraints.

FUNDAP’s main working criteria are

  • Results-based management.
  • Transparency and integrity.
  • Knowledge and respect for culture.
  • Local Empowerment (in this case of key actors such as Mothers, mentors, Board of Directors and Academic Tutors).
  • Committed team with values.
  • FUNDAP is audited by an internationally recognized auditing firm.


+35 years promoting development with dignity.

+35 years promoting development with dignity.

FUNDAP is a private, apolitical and non-profit foundation, which aims to promote activities to support people and communities with limited economic resources.

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What we do

We promote the development of low-income sectors of the Republic of Guatemala, through innovative projects that, avoiding paternalism, ensure a consistent improvement in the quality of life.

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How we do it

Under a sustainable development framework, we seek to eradicate poverty in Guatemala through strategies based on values of equity, honesty, freedom, excellence, respect for dignity and democracy.

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Where we do ir

Our area of action is based in the regions of the Central Highlands, North and Southwest of Guatemala, which represent the highest levels of poverty and extreme poverty in our country.


Empower a girl in Guatemala: post COVID-19 education.

Empower a girl in Guatemala: post COVID-19 education.

Access the GlobalGiving platform to donate.

Ilustración de una niña con material escolar