A journey with FUNDAP
Virginia Magdalena had skills for embroidering ¨güipiles¨ and aprons, and so she started her own business using a FUNDAP credit. The 24-year-old has already been supported by a Communal Bank, supported by her mother who encouraged her to do training as well.
“her acceptance into this FUNDAP program was found
to be very beneficial in the form of work and personnel“
Through this united journey, she appreciates the support of the Foundation through different services, such as the advice she received about business issues and technical seminars given in the Technical Center and the ¨Impulsa¨ Project, in addition to the free medical consultation services. For Virginia Magdalena, her acceptance into this FUNDAP program was found to be very beneficial in the form of work and personnel, because she also began to build relationships, and this companionship resulted in an increase in the number of clients and increased income. The teamwork developed through her training led to an upward evolution.