“I feel happy because I have managed to stand out as a young man with the support of my family and that of FUNDAP” Selvin Higinio Malín Martínez is a 17-year-old young man, originally from Aldea Ojo de Agua Esquipulas, Palo Gordo, San Marcos, and beneficiary of the project ICEP/ Medicor since 2019. Before starting with the program, he only dedicated himself to his studies.
However, during 2019 he was supported through the ICEP Project with a production venture of 15 birds (chompipollos). As a result of the sales, the family support, and the opportunities that FUNDAP gave him, he managed to increase his production with 110 laying birds. Thanks to them he has managed, so far, to have a production of 140 egg cartons.
During his participation in the program he learned a lot of agricultural knowledge such as planting vegetables; livestock issues such as the production and management of animals; as well as business concepts. With all this he has been able to improve its production, achieving considerable valued sales, which contribute so much to the family economy.
Selvin himself does not set limits and that is why he states the following: “My goals for the future are to complete my studies, increase my production, be the main distributor of this product in my community and municipality, support my family, and be an example for other young people.” Despite his age, he has a vision and a way of working that will make him achieve what he sets out to do.