Learning to conserve the forest has been beneficial to us

Imelda Cruz

Learning to conserve the forest has been beneficial to us

Imelda Cruz is 33 years old, married, has 3 children and is currently a member of the ASOEDIC Association that supports ICEFAT (Institute for Cooperative Family Teaching by Alternation) in Canoj, Sipacapa and San Marcos. In their community they have always depended economically on the forests, but bad practices such as indiscriminate logging, extracting Wood and firewood, contributed to the deforestation and fires of these places, causing the loss of habitat for many species of birds and animals.

She understood the importance
of preserving the forests

Nevertheless, Imelda changed her destiny in the year of 2016 when she received th Promotora Agropecuaria and Ambiental course in FUNDAP, that she satisfactorily completed. In this training she understood the importance of preserving the forests, because it also implies receiving support from the government with income derived from the forestry incentives of the program. With enthusiasm and effort, she prepared a list of neighbors interested in applying their forests for incentives, in order to receive the support of the Environmental Forest Program of FUNDAP. Today Imelda Cruz is considered a happy person, since her community has nineteen neighbors with their forests within the incentive program and a sum of 86.27 hectares that will receive support for a duration of ten years.



Imelda Cruz is 33 years old, married, has 3 children and is currently a member of the ASOEDIC Association that supports ICEFAT (Institute for Cooperative Family Teaching by Alternation) in Canoj, Sipacapa and San Marcos.