Thanks to FUNDAP we now think differently in our community
Gustavo Ajanel Ixcoy has always lived surrounded by forests, since he started cutting trees with his parents for the sale of firewood and ocote, key elements of family economic sustenance. Gustavo is 25 years old and lives in Chuinajtajuyup, Aldea Xequemeyá (Momostenango), where he joined the ADI-AGRO Association while growing in his profession as a farmer and taking care of his forest.
“He decided to enter his forest
to protect the incentive program“
His knowledge of this field was good, but in 2014 he received a few classes from FUNDAP Environmental Forestry Program technicians on the importance of sustainable forest management and the benefits of receiving incentives from INAB’s Pinpep program. After this training, Gustavo decided to enter his forest to protect the incentive program and stop logging trees. After his good experience began the communicative task of inviting his neighbors to follow in his footsteps, which was a success since there are currently 29 forest managers within the program, thus avoiding the indiscriminate cutting of trees. Finally, Gustavo proudly tells that he has already received two payments from the government for this forestry incentive and has been able to buy a motorcycle to carry out his agricultural activities.