Angélica Victoria Cua Rosales, from Totonicapán, is a creative young woman with an open disposition to respond to some of the needs of the population. Angélica is high school student, who graduated from the Technical Center as a professional chef, joined to work in a healthcare center in her community.

During her Baccalaureate at CIEM de FUNDAP, she stood out by demonstrating commitment, care, and dedication in her training, in the competition of technological projects. Angelica herself designed a mask with an Arduino board that has the function of detecting body temperature and indicating the variation when it exceeds 37º centigrade. In those cases, she becomes active and alert.

The ingenious idea arose from the need to protect ourselves against the pandemic facing the world and to give cooks an immediate response. Her motto is “technology is a medium for creative minds.” Well, without a doubt, she has applied it to its perfection.
