I have been working for the organization for 14 years, I am currently in the sub-coordination of the Scholarships for Girls project, specifically in the department of San Marcos and the South Coast. Our work aims to prevent school dropout through the accompaniment that we provide to girls and teenagers.
In this sense, what I do is accompaniment, support, and monitoring of the field technicians, in addition, we also train key players in this process, such as the Board of Directors and the tutor mothers; We carry out personalized tutoring for special cases, girls who are experiencing problems due to family disintegration, sexual harassment, pregnancy, and dating at an early age.
This work is very well organized and I would like to thank FUNDAP, for allowing me to be part of this great family, also my thanks to all the colleagues in the Education program for the effort, the work that they carry out every day for the benefit of the families that we support. For me, being in FUNDAP represents personal growth, it gives me a formal job and through this position, it allows me to practice the career that I had initially wanted.