After years of experience in the Educational Quality Promotion project, I can corroborate the work and contribution to the right to education of children in rural schools, to achieve the permanence and promotion of students at the pre-primary and primary levels.
We work to improve the educational service and contribute to providing a quality education in the schools we serve, and thus strengthen the participation of families in the education of their children.
The geographical area in which I work is the departments of Suchitepéquez, Retalhuleu, Quetzaltenango, San Marcos, Sacatepéquez, Totonicapán and Sololá.
What FUNDAP represents from its professional field
Undoubtedly, it represents an opportunity to combat poverty in Guatemala, promoting development for all in the personal, family, community, and municipal spheres and, therefore, development for the country.
The most valuable learnings in my job:
- That we can all get ahead, to overcome any inconvenience we encounter in life, as long as we are clear about what we intend to achieve.
- People and communities only need to believe in themselves to get out of their situation of poverty, but they also need us to provide them with the minimum conditions for them to get ahead.
Regarding my work experience with the Foundation:
I feel fortunate for the opportunity to serve disadvantaged people, seeking to eradicate poverty in Guatemala. I am sure that with what we do at FUNDAP we are achieving it. It is an enormous satisfaction to share the same vision, mission, values and principles with people who believe that helping others is an act of justice and not charity.
Advice I would give to new staff:
The main one: that they know the institutional philosophy: history, principles, values, vision, mission, among others, since they are the ones that guide our actions day by day.
That they are not satisfied with what they have achieved in their training. That they are updated (continuous self-training).
Make the institutional culture a practice of life in an organization and society of which we are a part. As noted in one of our founding objectives: “Create an organizational model that reflects the type of society in which we want to live.”