Vocation is a vital undertaking
Irma Eugenia Mateo González de Calderón is 43 years old and has had an important history with FUNDAP. She has an exciting story that deserves to be told. She first met the institution thanks to the training program of Volunteer Health Promoters, which she would finish successfully and later would help her a lot in disease prevention in her family, besides obtaining the necessary medical knowledge. While attending these classes she learned about the Maturity Education program offered by the Centro de Mazatenango (CIEM), so she decided to continue her apprenticeship.
“A dream that at last was fulfilled
thanks to an inexhaustible consistency“
A In spite of personal complications and family commitments, she never stopped attending classes and Irma Eugenia continued to progress incessantly with her education and ended up successfully graduating in 2012. Thanks to this degree she obtained a job as a literacy teacher that allowed her to continue in the university and to be able to become a professor, a dream that at last was fulfilled thanks to an inexhaustible consistency. She has never stopped developing, because while it combined a personal business with the formation of the ICES, she assimilated that the necessary thing to undertake and to make the best of herself was a vocation and the desire for change.